Temporary Resident Visa

How can I help?

I can help you with preparing and submitting your TRV application and advise you on the best way to demonstrate your eligibility and ties to your home country.

Visitor visa:

Apply for a visitor visa to enter and stay in Canada for up to six months for tourism, business, family or other reasons. Show that you have a valid reason to visit Canada, that you have enough funds for your stay and that you will leave Canada at the end of your authorized period. Meet the health and security requirements and provide biometrics if required.

Study permit:

 Apply for a study permit to study in Canada for more than six months at a designated learning institution (DLI). Show that you have been accepted by a DLI in Canada, that you have enough money to pay for your tuition and living expenses and that you intend to return to your home country after your studies. Meet the health and security requirements and provide biometrics if required.

Work permit:

Apply for a work permit to work in Canada for a limited period of time. Show that you have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer, that you meet the requirements of the job and that you intend to return to your home country after your work. Meet the health and security requirements and provide biometrics if required.
